

山本康一郎(やまもと こういちろう)

Liquor, woman&tears is still a new budding select shop, but I can say that this very shop brought me and my creativity to where I first started out. Needless to say it is interesting for me to go to a well formed select shop when constructing a style, but Liquor,woman&tears let me discover something new and taught me the significance of finding. I could also challenge various things through fashion styling.
That is the very reason why I could introduce people that I place deep trust on, and made it possible for us to accomplish the work which we really aimed to create.

I really believe that it is Kogi’s mission to continue creating an atmosphere where new ideas spring out at all times, never forgetting the fresh sensibility that he feels this moment.
To achieve that, it is important to enjoy the compound born as a result of the “chemical reaction” that occurs in the styling scene. At the same time, creating opportunities to let unrelated things meet each other is important. Excuse me for bragging!

Koichiro Yamamoto
One of the preeminent MEN’S fashion stylist in Japan. Yamamoto’s works play a lively role in magazines, advertisements, motion pictures, and many other diverse forms of media.
Valued highly for his unrivalled creativity, his extraordinary aesthetic sense and discernment puts him beyond reach. Deeply versed in martial arts, he also does his duty as the cornerman of Caol Uno, the MMA fighter.